Online poster and print shops are more popular than ever, with more and more people turning to the internet to find the perfect picture to brighten up their homes. Whether you sell retro band posters or prints of inspirational quotes, we can help you get it to your customer safely and quickly.

Sending posters can be tricky – if not packaged correctly, the poster risks getting creased, frayed or bent in transit. It’s, therefore, important to invest in the right packaging to ensure your poster is secure and won’t get damaged on its journey to your customer. In this guide, we run through the different packaging options and explain how to book your delivery.


How to package your poster or print


There’s a couple of different ways you can send a poster or print. If sending a large poster which can be easily rolled, we recommend using a shipping tube, whereas a box works better for prints on thicker card which can’t be rolled. Check out our top tips for both methods below.


Option 1 – use a shipping tube


Cylinder tubes are the most common way to send a poster, but there are also triangle tubes on the market. These can work well as they don’t roll when being transported and come flat packed so it’s easier to store (perfect if you are sending out lots of orders).

Here’s our top tips when using a shipping tube:


1. Lay out a sheet of craft paper which is larger than your poster.

2. Fold the bottom edge of the paper over by 10cm and put your poster inside the crease.

3. Cover with another piece of craft paper.

4. You’re now ready to roll. Make sure your roll is small enough to fit inside the tube, you can do this by measuring against the shipping tube’s cap.

5. Finally, secure the roll with three pieces of masking tape. Avoid using an elastic band to secure as this can crease the poster.


Option 2 – use a box


If your poster or print is made out of thicker card, then using a shipping tube is not advised as rolling it can crease the card. Instead, send your print in a box where it can be laid flat.

Here’s our top tips when using a box:


1. First, cut out two pieces of cardboard which are slightly larger than your print. We recommend using chipboard or a thick double-ply cardboard. Avoid using corrugated cardboard which can easily bend.

2. Put a sheet of card on either side of your print and secure with packaging tape.

3. Wrap the cardboard in plenty of bubble wrap and put inside a slightly larger box.

4. Fill any unused space with packaging chips to stop the print moving around in transit.

5. Secure your box with strong parcel tape.



How to send framed poster or print


On your ecommerce shop, you may have an option for your customers to purchase a print or poster in a frame. If sending a framed poster or print, you’ll need to make sure it is packaged securely to protect the glass.


Here’s our top tips for sending a framed print:


1. Make sure the frame is wrapped in multiple layers of bubble wrap.

2. Attach corner protectors – these can be purchased from most packaging websites or you can make your own using an old cardboard box.

3. For added protection, you can tape two pieces of plywood to both sides of the frame before putting in the box.

4. Fill the box with plenty of internal packaging to stop the frame moving within the box.

5. Finally, apply strong parcel tape along all of the seams.


How to book your parcel delivery


Once you have packaged your poster, you’re ready to weigh and measure your parcel and book your parcel delivery. You can either opt to drop off at one of our ServicePoints or depots or have your parcels collected from your home or work address.

We have label and label-less options available. If you have chosen to print a label and are sending your poster in a shipping tube, make sure you apply the label lengthways (this will make the barcode easier to scan).


Add insurance


If sending a parcel within the UK, it will be automatically covered up to the value of £25 or £50 if sending internationally. If sending a print or poster which is worth more than this, we recommend taking out extended contents cover to the value of the item.


Running an ecommerce shop?


Did you know you can link your ecommerce shop with us and cut down on parcel admin? We can integrate with 10 of the most popular ecommerce and marketplace platforms, including eBay and Etsy. When you sell an item, we’ll import the delivery details straight into our booking form – all you need to do is review and pay.

See which platforms we can link with below:



